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Btrack Solutions Ltd
J6 Jenson Court, Commerce Park
Frome, Somerset, BA11 2FQ, UK
Call us now on : +44 1373 487004
Mar 2018 Btrack launches new website to update its various new products that were launched and developed since the last original website was made back in 2009. The new products include Easi-Hydrogen, Easi- LPG, Easi-Pedal and Safeflame products that are made solely for Safeflame (UK) Limited.
Nov 2017 Btrack supplied a number of its very accurate Swiss made AIC diesel flowmeters to Cummins test cells and for vehicle assessment trials. The units ordered were similar models to those that were supplied to Caterpiller and JCB. Cummins chose the AIC flowmeters because of their accuracy which is +/- 0.5% inaccurate in most circumstances.
Apr 2017 Btrack provided and hosted the venue for the SkillFridge UK competition for the Bath Region at our office in Frome, Somerset. The candidates were provided with a special work bench for Refrigeration pipe brazing. The event was setup by Mark Forsyth who was the Training Manager of SkillFridge. Present were lecturers from various colleges including Bath College. Btrack was able to demonstrate their latest new Safeflame unit which was developed over 6 months.
Feb 2017 Btrack received an order from London Borough of Redbridge for its Easi-Pedal product. This was fitted to various vans in the fleet. Easi-Pedal can restrict the severe revving and also limit the speed of the van depending on setup conditions. After a trial period of about 3 months, reported savings are in the region of 6%. In addition the Easi-Pedal unit can restrict the reverse speed of the vehicle. Most minor accidents occur when they are reversing and hence can affect insurance claims.
Oct 2016 Btrack mapping program has been using the Java program to run the GPS tracking system. Recently, a lot of internet browers like program Google Chrome, Apple operating system do not support Java. This meant that it is only usable with Internet Explorer and we do not know how long that will be for. Btrack decided to upgrade their mapping server program to not use Java at all. From now on, our mapping program can work with all types of internet browsers.
Aug 2016 Btrack is in the process of signing up a new distributer to cover the jewellery and acrylic polishing market with Aquaflame. Aquaflame is one of the leading distributor of HHO flame systems for the UK jewellery market.
Jun 2016 Btrack/Safeflame sign co-operation agreement with Flamefast to distribute Safeflame Electrolyser packages for the Education market in the UK. Flamefast is one of the main supplier of laboratories and equipments to schools, technical colleges, Universities etc. Flamefast has a few thousand existing contracts for laboratories and equipments with educational establishments throughout the UK.
Jan 2016 Btrack secures contract to supply Easi-Pedal product to London Borough of Redbridge (LBR) council. LBR operates about 400 vehicles of all makes and types. Their fleet includes school buses, buses for disable people, refuse collection vehicles, highway maintence vehicles etc.
Jan 2016 Btrack became the principle supplier of the full range of Electrolysers using PEM (Proton Exchange Membrance Hydrogen generator) stack technologies. Btrack completed the design and manufacture of the full range of Electrolysers units to supply Safeflame from 1 L/min to 15 L/min.
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